Guinea Pig Hut


Bedding is an essential part to a guinea pig's cage. If you don't provide them with this, they can get very sick and die.

You should always have a layer of newspaper underneath your guinea pig's bedding. This will make it easier to clean their cage, because all you will need to do next time you clean it, is roll up the layers of newspaper, and put them in a garbage bag.

(*) = Good
(*) = Okay
(*) = Bad


Megazorb is nicer than Carefresh, and is a great bedding for guinea pigs. It is soft, low dust, pleasant smelling, absorbant, and cheap to buy in bulk. Although, it is hard to get hold of, and it comes in large sacks, so you need somewhere to put it all.


  • Soft.
  • Low dust.
  • Pleasant smelling.
  • Absorbant.
  • Cheap in bulk.
  • Getting hold of it (comes in large sacks so you need somewhere to put it all).
Dust Level:
  • Low.


This is the bedding that everyone recommends for guinea pigs. It is very soft, very absorbent, can't cause allergies, and keeps odours down really well. Althoughit is expensive, and difficult to find.


  • Very soft.
  • Very absorbent.
  • Can't cause allergies.
  • keeps odours down really well.
  • Expensive.
  • Difficult to find.
Dust Level:
  • Low.


Fleece is one of the best beddings to use for guinea pigs. It is very soft, and can't cause allergies. Although it is not burrowable, and needs to be washed in washing machines every two to three days.

  • Very soft.
  • Can't cause allergies.
  • Not burrowable.
  • Needs to be washed in washing machines every two to three days.
Dust Level:
  • None.


A number of guinea pig owners use Vet Bed. This is because it allows water to pass through while remaining dry on top, is very soft, and can't cause allergies. Although it is not burrowable, and needs to be washed in washing machines every two to three days.


  • Allows water to pass through while remaining dry on top.
  • Very soft.
  • Can't cause allergies.
  • Not burrowable.
  • Needs to be washed in washing machines every two to three days.
Dust Level:
  • None.


Shredded paper is a great choice for a guinea pig's bedding. It is soft, can't cause allergies, and is burrowable. Although it is not very absorbant.


  • Soft.
  • Can't cause allergies.
  • Burrowable.

  • Not very absorbant.

Dust Level:
  • Very Low.



This is the traditional rodent bedding. Kiln-dried pine shavings are safer than normal pine shavings, because the toxic phenols have been taken out of them. Some brands are definitely better than others so it's worth shopping around. It is cheap, easy to find, and is good burrowing material. Although it is dusty, and can cause allergies in people, and guinea pigs.


  • Cheap.
  • Easily to find.
  • Good burrowing material.
  • Dusty.
  • Can causes allergies in people, and guinea pigs.
Dust Level:
  • Depends on the brand, but about medium to high.

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