Guinea Pig Hut



When your guinea pig is jumping up in the air, and kicking their two back legs together, it is called popcorning. It may look like they are having a seuizure, or have something stuck in their ear, but this is completely normal. It means that your guinea pig is either happy, excited, or content.

When your guinea pig is freezing or standing motionless like a statue, it usually means that your guinea pig is either scared, or has been startled.

When your guinea pig is sniffing around in the air, it usually means that your guinea pig is checking out what is going on, and what is around them. They also do this when they are checking out other guinea pigs.

Touching noses
When you guinea pig is touching noses with another guinea pig, it can usually either mean a friendly greeting, or checking out each others health.

Aggressive actions: 
When your guinea pig is raising their head and/or raising up onto their hind end with stiff legs, shuffling from side to side, fluffing out their hair, and showing their teeth, often accompanied with teeth chattering and/or hissing, it usually means that they are about to fight with another guinea pig.

When your guinea pig is strutting around another guinea pig, while making a rumbling sound, it means they are doing the mating dance.

Scent making
When your guinea pig is rubbing their chins, cheeks, and hind ends on items, it usually means that they are leaving their scent.

When your guinea pig is mounting another guinea pig, it means they are in heat. It is also used to show dominance.

When your guinea pig is fidgeting or showing discomfort, it usually means that they want to be returned to their cage, because they may need to poo, pee, eat, drink, or just rest.

Tossing head in air
When your guinea pig is tossing their head in the air, it usually means they don't want their heads to be touched, petted, or rubbed, and this is their way of getting you to stop.

When your guinea pig is licking you, it usually means they are licking the salt off your skin, or showing their love for you.

Running away:
When your guinea pig is running away, it is a natural defense, and over time they will learn to accept being handled.


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