Guinea Pig Hut


  • Guinea pigs live in the wild in some parts of South America.
  • The Incas used to farm guinea pigs for food.
  • Fried guinea pig is commonly eaten in South America.
  • Guinea pigs are not nocturnal (sleep during day, active during night), they are durinal (active during day, sleep during night) like humans.
  • Guinea pigs love to listen to music.
  • A male adult guinea pig is called a boar, a female adult guinea pig is called a sow, and a baby guinea pig is either called a pup, or a piglet.
  • Wild guinea pigs are most active at night.
  • Guinea pigs and humans can't produce their own vitamin C, so they must always eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Guinea pigs live in groups of five to 10 in the wild.
  • Guinea pigs can run when they are only three hours old.
  • Guinea pigs are called cavies in America.
  • The scientific name for a guinea pig is cavia porcellus.
  • Guinea pigs are often used for medical research. That's where we get the term "guinea pig" from to describe somebody who volunteers to take part in a test.
  • Some species of wild guinea pig (capybara) can be as long as one metre.
  • The average life span of a guinea pig is four to six years, but they can easily live up to ten years if looked after properley.
  • The longest living guinea pig was 15 years old and she has her name in the Guinness Book Of World Records.
  • Guinea pig's teeth never stop growing.
  • Guinea pigs can see in full colour.
  • Guinea pigs have poor eyesight.
  • Guinea pigs sleep with their eyes open.
  • Guinea pigs don't sweat.
  • Guinea pigs have 20 teeth.
  • More than 1'000'000 guinea pigs get put down every year.


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